Denis Dochioiu is the founder of Life Yoga Center, a master trainer Sattva Yoga teacher and meditation initiator.
She was born in Romania, where she studied management and law, working in a corporation until a few years ago, when she decided to quit her job and travel to India, seeking for the real purpose of life, where she dived deep into the ancient sacred teachings at Sattva Yoga Academy.
Now she spends her time between India at Sattva Yoga Academy, Europe and Bali, where she guides teacher trainings and organise yoga workshops and retreats, creating supportive environments for growth and transformation, sharing the life changing teachings of yoga.
She writes inspirational articles for Shape Magazine, a wellbeing magazine, and her dharma is to encourage, support and uplift the genuine seekers of transformation, living an abundant and joyful life.
Country: Romania
Instagram @denisdochioiu